Probe The Killing Of Our Youths By Immigration Officials Now

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Probe The Killing Of Our Youths By Immigration Officials Now

The news of the killing of at least 18 Nigerians, for that is what it is, who were jostling for appaarently available positions in the department of immigration is a lamentable and avoidable tragedy. The irony of the indefensible crime is that the applicant were being tested in logical reasoning. The exercise itself was bereft of any logic.

The illogicality of assembling thousands of young men and women who could have been tested online could only have been lost on incompetent immigration officials. What has happened is murder occasioned by criminal negligence.

Of course mass poverty and joblessness are a dirrect consequence of the irresponsibility of the ruling elite and the political class. We must not stop at mere condemnation of the act of the officials. We must deamand a thourough judicial probe of the unacceptable killing of these youg Nigerian. In the interim the head of immigration must resign now.

Bamidele Aturu

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