Chibok: FG rejects Boko Haram’s proposal

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Chibok: FG rejects Boko Haram’s proposal

The Federal Government has rejected conditions set out by Boko Haram leader, Abubakar Shekau for the release of the over 200 schoolgirls held hostage by the sect.

Shekau had said in a video released on Monday that he would release the abducted schoolgirls in exchange for some of his members currently in custody.

He said, “We will never release them (the girls) until after you release our brethren.”

The Boko Haram leader, who has made prisoner exchange demands before, said that some of the teenagers had converted from Christianity to Islam.

The Minister of Interior, Abba Moro, when asked by AFP on Monday if government would reject Shekau’s olive branch, he said: “Of course.”“The issue in question is not about Boko Haram… giving conditions.”


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