Conference adjourns abruptly amidst tension

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Conference adjourns abruptly amidst tension

Proceedings at the National Conference came to an abrupt end on Tuesday afternoon after a motion for adjournment was moved and unanimously supported.

The Conference was on the verge of commencing the adoption of the amendments and recommendations of the Committee on Devolution of Power report.

The postponement was sequel to a motion by Gen. Ike Nwachukwu, leader of the South East delegation to the Conference who, after the resumption from short break at about 12.15pm raised the motion on the need to adjourn sitting till Wednesday.

He said the need for adjournment was necessitated by a deadlock in negotiation between various interest groups on contentious issues of derivation formula, resource control and the items on legislative lists, among others.

Accordion to him, leaders from the six geo-political zones met on Monday till 1.00am to resolve the issues with a view of coming to a consensus.

He, however, pleaded that the leadership of the conference allow for more time to conclude the consultations before the adoption of the report recommendations.


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